
天津成人学历提升报名_成人高考_远程教育_工大英才培训学校 > 学校新闻


发布时间:2021-10-08 14:29 类别:学校新闻 来源:工大英才网宣部 点击量:


1. 动词+about
argue about 就…争论,辩论
bargain about 就…讨价还价
debate about 就…辩论
dispute about 就…进行争议
inquire about 询问,打听

2. 动词+after
ask after 问安
chase after 追逐
go after 设法得到、追求
inquire after 问候
look after 照料
run after 追赶
see after 照顾,留意
take after 长得像
name (sth./sb.) after 根据…命名

3. 动词+O+as
acknowledge sth./sb. as 承认…是
choose sth./sb. as 作为…选取
classify sth./sb. as 把…分作
define sth. sb. as 把…定义为
depict sth./sb. as 把…描述为
describe sth./sb. as 把…描述为
elect sth./sb. as 把…选作
employ sth./sb. as 雇/用…来充当
express sth./sb. as 把…表达为
interpret sth./sb. as 把…解释为
look on sth./sb. as 把…视作
name sth./sb. as 把…命名为
picture sth./sb. as 把…描述成
recognize sth./sb. as 认出…是
refer to sth./sb. as 把…称作是
represent sth./sb. as 描绘、声称 …为
see sth./sb. as 把…视作
treat sth./sb. as 把…当作…对待
use sth./sb. as 把…用作
view sth./sb. as 把…视作

4. 动词+at
arrive at 到达
call at 访问(地)
drive (get) at 意旨,用意
keep at 坚持
laugh at 嘲笑
look at 注视
run at 攻击

5. 动词+by
come by 偶然遇见 ,弄到
cut by 削减,少了
decrease by 减少了
expand by 扩大了
fall/rise/drop by 下降/上升/下跌
go by 依照
increase by 增加了 …
profit by 受益于 …
stand by 支持,信守

6. 动词+for
act for 代理
account for 说明…的原因 (用途等);占(比重)
apply for 申请
arrange for sb. (to do sth.)
安排 sb. (做某事 )
call for 要求
care for 挂念
change/alter for the better/worse
fall for 受…的骗,上…的当

7. 动词+from
benefit from 受益于
come from 来自/源于
derive from 产生于 ,起源于
develop from 由…发展而来
differ from …(in sth.)
在…方面与 …不同
hear from sb. 收到…的信
learn from 从…学习,向…学习
result from 产生于 ,起因于
keep from 克制,忍住,抑制
profit from 从…谋利
range from …to … 从…到…不等
refrain from 忍住不 ,戒除
resign from 从…辞职,辞退(工作)
result from 产生于
shelter from 躲避
stem from 起源于
suffer from 受…之苦
vary from …to …(between …and…)
dissuade sb. from 说服 sb. 不做
distinguish …from 区别…与…
excuse sb. from给 sb. 免去,同意 sb. 不做某事
keep…from 使…不…
prevent …from 防止…做某事
prohibit sb. from 禁止 sb. 做某事
protect sth./sb. from保护 sth./sb. 不受…伤害
remove sth./sb. from把 sth./sb. 从…弄走
restrain sth./sb. from阻止 sth./sb. 做某事
save sth./sb. from把 sth./sb. 从…中救出来
separate sth./sb. from
shelter sth./sb. from
掩护 sth./sb. 免受…袭击 sth./sb.
shield sth./sb. from
遮挡 sth./sb. 以保护 sth./sb.

8. 动词+in, into
believe in 信任,信赖
break into 打断
consist in 在于
deal in 经营
engage in 从事,参加
indulge in 肆意从事 ,沉迷于
interfere in 干涉,插手
lie in 在于
look into 调查;窥视
originate in 起源于
participate in 参加
persist in 坚持
reside in 存在于 ,归属于
result in 导致
run into 偶然遇见 ;碰撞
succeed in 成功
turn into 把…变成
coax sb. into 哄骗 sb. (做某事 )
convert …into 把…改变成
deceive sb. into 欺骗某人 (做某事 )
force sb. into 强迫某人 (做某事 )
frighten sb, into 吓唬某人去 (做某事 )
insert …into 把…插入
lead …into 把…引入
make…into 把…制成
mislead sb. into 误导…进入
persuade sb. into 说服某人 (做某事 )
pitch …into 把…扔/掷入…
shock sb. into 把…震惊得 …
talk sb. into 说服某人 (做某事 )
tempt sb. into 引诱 sb. (做某事 )
translate sth. into 把…译成
trick sb. into 诱使某人 (做某事 )
turn …into 把…变成

9. 动词+of
approve of 赞成
avail of 利用
boast of 夸耀
complain of 抱怨
consist of (=be composed/made of)
doubt of 怀疑
tire of 厌倦
inquire of 询问
speak of 谈及
accuse sb. of 指控 sb. (犯有某过错 )
assure sb. of 使某人确信 …,向某人保证 …
convince sb. of 使某人相信 …
inform sb. of 通知某人某事
notify sb. of 通知某人某事
persuade sb. of 使某人相信 …
remind sb. of 使某人想起某事
suspect sb. of 怀疑某人 (有某过错 )
tell sb. of 告诉某人某事
warn sb. of 警告某人 (有某危险 )
clear …of 清理掉 …上的 (某物)
cure sb. of 治愈 sb. 的(病)
deprive sb. of 缓解 sb. 的…,使 sb. 减轻/缓解…
free sb. of 使 sb. 摆脱/消除…
purify …of 为…清除,通过纯化使 …摆脱
relieve sb. of 使 sb. 解除/免除…
rid sb. of 使 sb. 摆脱
rob sb. of 抢走 sb. (某物 )
strip sb. of 剥夺 sb. (某物)
ask sth. of sb. 向 sb. 请求 sth.
beg sth. of sb. 向某人恳求 sth.
demand sth. of sb. 向 sb.要求索取 sth.
expect sth. of sb. 指望、期待 sb. 做 sth.
request sth. of sb. 向 sb. 要求/请求 sth.
require sth. of sb. 需要 sb. (做)某事,向 sb.要求 sth.
want sth. of sb. 要 sb. (做)某事

10. 动词+on, up on
attend on 侍候
bear (up) on 与…有关
center on (around) 集中于 ,以…为中心
call on 拜访(人),号召
come upon 突然发生
concentrate on 集中,专心于
count on 依赖,指望
debate on 就…进行辩论
depend (up) on 依靠
dawn (up) on 渐渐被理解
dispute on 在…方面进行争辩
dwell on 细想,详述
exist on 靠…生存
feed on 以…为主食
figure on 指望,打算
focus on (使…)集中于 …
hit (up) on 意外发现
insist on 坚持
live on 以…为生
pick on 批评,讥笑
rely on 依靠
settle on 决定;停栖于 …之上
tell on 影响,泄漏
touch (up) on 谈到,涉及
turn on 视…而定
wait on 侍候
base sth. on 把…建立在 …之上
consult sb. on 就…请教 sb.
expend/spend sth. on 把 sth.花去(做)某事上
impose sth. on sb. 把…强加在 sb.上
keep an eye on 密切关注
keep one ’s mind o n 专心于
lay (one ’s) hands on 拿到,抓到

11. 动词+over
dispute over 就/为…争辩
get over 复习
look over 查看,审阅;看一遍
quarrel over 为…争吵
run over 从…上辗过 ;浏览

12. 动词+through
come through 成功,做完 ;经历…仍活着
get through 结束,完成;及格
help through 帮助 sb. 渡过(难关)
look through 翻阅
pull through 恢复,渡过(难关)
put through 使通过
see through 识破;负责帮助 sb. 渡过(难关)

13. 动词+to
adapt to 适应于
add to 增加,增长
adhere to 坚持
amount to 达到,等于
appeal to 对…有吸引力
apply to (向…)请求
agree to 同意(建议)
attend to 注意,从事于
cling to 粘着,缠着
come to 总计达
conform to 遵守,与…保持一致
confess to 承认
contribute to 有助于 ,对…作出贡献
correspond to 符合
extend to 延伸到
happen to sb. 某遭遇到 …
keep to 固守
lead to 导致
matter to sb. 对 sb. 来说很重要
object to 反对
point to 指向,面指
refer to 指,参考
resort to 诉诸于 ,求助于
see to 留心,注意;负责处理
set to 开始大干起来
stick to 坚持
submit to 屈从,服从,顺从
succeed to 继承
switch to 转向
turn to 变成;求助于
yield to 向…屈服
adapt oneself to 使自己适应
adjust sth. to 调整 sth. 以使之适应
apply A to B 把 A 用之于 B,把 A 敷于 B
attach A to B=(be attached to)
使 A 附于 B
commit sth. to 把…交给/托给
contribute much/a lot to sth.
credit sth. to sb. 把 sth. 归功于 sb.
devote sth. to 把…奉献于
expose sth. to 使 sth. 暴露于 /接触
extend sth. to 把 sth. 延伸到
leave sth. to sb. (be left to sb.)
把 sth. 留给 sb.
owe sth. to 欠…sth.;应把 sth.归功于
present sth. to sb. 把 sth. 向 sb. 引见;把 sth.给予 sb.
relate A to B 使 A 与 B 相关
refer sb. to sth. 让某人去参考 sth.
release sth. to 向…公布 sth.
reveal sth. to 把 sth. 透露给
shift sth. from …to …sth. 使…由…向…转变/过渡
transfer sb. to 把 sb.调到…(工作)
transmit sth. to 把 sth. 传送给

14. 动词+with
agree with 同意(人)
associate with 与…交往
coincide with 与…巧合
collide with 与…相撞
comply with 照…行事
consult with sb. 与…商讨
cope with 对付,处理
correspond with 与…通讯
couple with 与…配对
deal with 处理
disagree with 不同意
go with 与…一致
interfere with 干扰
keep with 陪伴…留在…一起
match with 与…相匹配
proceed with 继续进行
reason with 与…讲理
remain with 保留在 …身边
sympathize with 同情
do away with 去掉,废除
lose contact with 与…失去联系
acquaint sb. with 使 sb. 认识/熟悉
bother sb. with 用…来打搅 sb.
busy oneself with 使自己忙于
charge sb. with 指控某人有 …罪
combine…with 使…与…相结合
compare…with 把…与…相比
connect …with 把…与…相连接
contrast …with 使…与…相对照
coordinate …with 使…与…相协调
credit sth./sb. with 认为…应归功于 sth./sb.
exchange sth. with 用 sth.与…相交换
familiarize sb. with 使 sb. 熟悉
line sth. with 使 sth. 布满(线状物 ),沿 sth. 两侧排上 …
link …with 使…与…相连
present sb. with 赠送 sb. (sth.)
relate …with 使…与…相关联


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